Birds in the Park

by Chester Doliente, Ivy Macalos, Vince Millora, Princess Porol, Adrian Quevada and Jomel Verrano
    “Birds with the same feather sticks together.” That’s the rule in People’s Park. Pigeons aren’t the only birds in People’s Park; there are also the Lovebirds, the Peacocks, the Ostriches, the Parrots and the Sitting Ducks, these birds personify five types of people in the park. And since they’re not endemic in People’s Park you might encounter them in another park. So if you happen to be thinking of strolling in a park, knowledge of their behaviors will greatly help in formulating your perfect adaptation skills to avoid trouble and make your stroll memorable and worthwhile.

     Birds of Public Love and Affection, the Lovebirds. They are the most common sight in every park. They’re usually found in pairs with varying ages, mostly are teenagers. They sit right where there’ll be a great view, or should we say, they’ll be a great view. Lovebirds are also easily recognizable through their habit of the boy putting his arms around the girl. They sit so close together like as if there’s not enough space for the both of them. When the lovebirds are together, no one could dare infiltrate their love nest. But once they are apart, we could see that they have a lively social life any average teenager has. Maybe they really missed each other when they were apart that if they’re together they just forget about everyone around, they’re just so focused on each other. Or maybe its obsession or it’s just that they think only they could understand each other well enough.

     Birds of Elegance and Style, the Peacocks. They are most recognizable ones in the park. Once your eyes gets a glimpse of their elegance, you might just want reconsider what you’re wearing today. They stroll around the park wearing stylish dresses and trendy clothes. Female peacocks are way too dominant than male ones. They walk like models and expensive looking but some of are not that rich. They are also socially active. They always have their circle of friends and in some instances, a tail of admirers. But some peacocks tend to get all snobbish in dealing with simple people. We think they just want us to notice them so they dress so flashy that they could easily get our attention. They want us to acknowledge how pretty and good looking they are or they just want to look good in front of a specific someone.

    Birds of Endurance and Health, the Ostriches. Our term “ostrich” refers to the people that are working-out on People’s Park. They are doing physical activities such as jogging or stretching. Out of all the people that I had seen during our survey, only two people are doing such activities. But it was not a fair survey because it was done only once and on the middle of the say so there are less people doing such physical activities.

     Luckily, I had been to People’s Park a couple of times and I had observed what they were doing during those times. During night time and early morning, there are a lot more people doing physical activities than during the afternoon. This is because there is less sunlight during night time or early morning. Another reason is that sunlight during morning gives vitamin D so it is much practical to do outdoor activities during this time. Also, during afternoon, many people are on their jobs. This means that less people are able to do physical activities in the park.

     As I observed, their physical appearance was well-built because they were all physically fit. All of them were also very sweaty from their activities. Also, all of them were not very sociable because they didn’t interact with other people while they were doing the activity. They all looked like they were concentrating of their activity and doesn’t want to be disturbed.

     The Bird of Talk and the Noise, the Parrot. They are the voices in the park. Most of them are the children playing, running and shouting under the heat of the sun. Well, it’s quite understandable because they were still kids. On the other hand, there were also flock of parrots under the shade of a tree. They’re not kids but teens, a bunch of teens enjoying their wonderful day on the park. They’re usually found nesting under the shade, talking as much as they can, sneering at someone tripping and laughing at every little joke no matter how feeble it is. Well, we thought they’re just a flock of birds asking for attention. They just want you to take notice of them so they get your attention by laughing so hard, distracting you from enjoying your day. So the easiest way to get them to stop is pay them no heed for them to realize they’re not the only ones that can enjoying this beautiful stroll in the park.

     The Birds Just-Around-The-Corner-Waiting-To-Get-Hit, the Sitting Ducks. Sitting duck, Humble yet vulnerable. They say “Birds with the same feather flocks together”, Sitting duck might reply “I don’t care”. Sitting Ducks are loners of the society which prefer to be alone and isolated among the group. They are humble for they will not praise or present themselves to other persons in whatever instances that may arise. From the term “Sitting Ducks”, it was derived from person who enjoy sitting in the corner while looking at others. “Sitting Ducks” was also derived from the term target, or being targeted, means only that sitting ducks are vulnerable. So vulnerable up to the point that they refrain to associate with other persons. Chances are that they experience traumatic events in the past. This led to psychological problems which involves issue in everyday life in both physical and mental aspect. They tend to stare at certain object, which I can infer that he/she has a deep though regardless in what matter. They are socially lack therefore hinders them to use their mouth verbally; it is usually caused by insecurities of being corrected. Sitting ducks are fragile and valuable creatures that need to be comforted and protected.

     In conclusion, the Five Birds have different and distinct characteristics that define each group as a whole. We would never know how each individual in each group ended up in each group exactly because they might have reasons our survey in park could not perceive by just observing them. So if you’re thinking of going for a stroll in the park, you just might want to reconsider what color of feather you have.



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