Bouquet of Flowers

    by Nathan Almonte, Jeremy Pacabis, Levy Funtilon, Kelly Navarro, Yancy Yurong, Francis Quezon

  Girl barkadas are everywhere in Davao. Wherever we go, we can always see groups of “girlfriends” and BFFs walking around and having fun. Because of Davao’s immense variety of culture, Davao barkadas have varied likes, dislikes, and trips, too. There are some who like hanging out in malls, and some who enjoy going over to a friend’s house. Because of these vast differences, having a clue about what different girls like and dislike is actually quite intriguing and interesting.  So, our group thought of classifying these types of Davaoenan “girlfriends” for you!

     One of the common groups of girls is the movie lovers. These girls are very fond of watching and critiquing movies. They are the ones who are always updated on upcoming movies. They are also the ones who are vigilant on upcoming movie screenings, premiere nights and even meet-and-greets with movie stars. Also, they are good in reviewing movies because they have watched and evaluated many movies before and they have a lot of references. This group of girls dresses like ordinary people, wearing jeans or skirts and shirts because they don’t mind fashion that much. You can always see them at coffee shops or food centers in malls waiting for the time of movie showing. This type of barkada probably act as such for it watching movies give a lot of ideas and entertaining, unexpected and bizarre stories that seldom or is impossible to happen in the real world. Movies become their way to escape from real life and be entertained in ways the natural world can’t do.

     Another type of girl barkada is the Bookworm. This barkada discuss a lot of books, especially ones that are included in series, sequels and sagas. They know dozens of terms of elven, wizard or gothic ancestry that they have picked up from reading these kinds of fiction books. They dress in simple, comfortable and casual clothes. They do not really go out that much, but they go to bookstores, coffee shops and sometimes, movie screenings of their favorite series in film .They always talk about how a character can kill another, how things are going in the next book, and even predictions on what might happen on the next upcoming saga. This barkada probably gets entertained in the same way as the movie lovers do, but they rather dwell in a certain series or world than have a wide variety of stories. They escape into a single world they can always come back to and will never end as long as the saga keeps going. These worlds create an atmosphere of peace and belongingness whenever they feel down in the real world.
     Another type of girl is Pop Girls, this is the type that consta¬ntly talks about their pop idol and wish that they would meet him one day and maybe get an autograph or a kiss on the cheeks. Unlike the Gossip Girls who talk about normal people and showbiz, the Pop Girls only admire actors, singers, and boy bands, so as long as they’re attractive. They admire so much about their idol to the point that they follow everything they do, everywhere they go and even search their personal information on the Internet, I believe this process is called “stalking”, which they do time-to-time. They copy what they wear, how they talk, and even how they look. Compared to the Shopaholic Girls, they shop what they want to wear and what looks good on them, the Pop Girls will just buy any merchandise and clothes that has their idol’s face or logo on it. They are so obsessed with measly things that their idols do, probably because they are probably alone, abandoned, and left out. They try to cope with their loneliness by finding someone to look up to, they follow famous idols so they can blend in with the crowd.

     Gossip Girls are girls who are easily distinguished because of their talkative nature which defines their attire and personality.  This nature also helps them know most of the information that is hard to find which makes them good informants. They usually are friendly people and can talk almost anyone. Although they have these qualities, they usually are blamed for making up stories and spreading gossips that might hurt another one’s feelings. They sometimes get to offend some people, although unintended because of them circulating gossips and talking about people. But, in spite of some misunderstandings, these barkadas create the strongest of friendships. They can humbly admit their mistakes and faults, and therefore create a peaceful atmosphere and space for another friend.

     I also have these friends who love to spend their money on dresses, shoes, accessories, etc. I call them “Shopaholics”. “Shopaholics” are always updated on latest fashion trends and new things to try on. Other than things to buy, they also are skilled in looking for shops to buy these fashion items and how to buy them at the lowest of prices. They also are not just fond of buying them, but there are exceptionally great in putting them on! They know which clothes look well with which. They are indeed the experts in fashion. Even though they find pleasure in buying a lot of clothes they do this because they need to fill a gap in their heart, they need to mask cover their empty void inside them just to feel better.
   There are actually several more types of girl barkadas out there. Indeed, girls have a lot differences, even just in interests. Because of these differences, different friendships are formed. These friendships psychologically help a typical teenage girl build up her confidence and self-esteem. They create a pleasant atmosphere that comforts the each and every individual and help relieve stresses that adolescence and other situations bring. These understandings in interest help girls go through their teenage life with a positive impression of it in mind.


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