Fast Break

by Bea Blasabas, Giann Evale, Levy Funtilon and Kim Palgan

  With one hand dribbling the ball, her arms sweating and body shaking, Bea mustered all her courage to do what she had never done before. She finally gripped the ball with all her strength, and threw it in trajectory to the hoop. After some breathtaking moments and loud cheers from the players, the ball bounced repeatedly and slowly at the side of the ring and entered the net. It was a neat shot and was greeted with cheers and congratulations from everybody, both friend and foe.
     That event happened on one fine Saturday morning. While everyone was eating heavy breakfast after the fun run activity, our group, which consisted of Bea, Cris, Giann and I, was busy planning on our adventure. It had many responses from everyone and even members from other groups gave their contributions on what we should do for our adventure, like wakeboarding at Deca, ziplining at Eden, riding zorbs at Crocodile Park, and even playing Dota with Bea as spectator. After ten minutes of discussion, we came with no possible adventure and everyone was very anxious to go home. Suddenly a friend of mine, Reuben, told me that he was going to play basketball at CHSS court, so I decided to give basketball a chance for our adventure since nobody from our group ever played that sport. Finally, we had something to agree upon and so we hurried to the court.

     My friend who invited us to play basketball was joined by Patrick, another friend of ours, and we came with six people, including me and my groupmates together with Angelica and Czaryl, therefore bringing the number to eight persons. All of us present decided to divide ourselves into two teams, our group versus others.  After the team building, we had practice shooting and that was when Bea shot her first hoop. As a prelude to the game we decided on the rules, like the game would be played whole court and the game will on whoever team reaches twelve points first. Finally the game proper began.

     To start the game, we had the jump ball at the middle of the ring by the two tallest players of both teams, Patrick and Cris, with me as acting referee. After I had released the ball to the air, Patrick quickly got hold of the ball but Cris’ height also allowed him to steal the ball quickly and passed the ball to Giann. Giann shot the ball to the enemy court, and we had the first point. The game then became a see-saw for both teams, each trying to score a point ahead against the other. When the game score came to 6 – 3 in favor of us, we decided to play the game on half court because it is very tiring and we kept passing the ball to the girls so that they can score for their team. The first one to be passed the ball was Angelica, who after repeated attempts finally made a hoop and brought their score closer to us. Next was Bea, who, like Angelica continuously struggled to score a point for our team. When she finally got tired, I passed the ball to Cris, who threw the ball outside the court. We all had a good laugh at his move.

     After the ball has been returned, we resumed our game proper. After continuously passing the ball to the girls and eventually shooting it in the process, the score has reached 11 – 10, in favor of us. We resolve to teamwork in order for us to win, first Cris passed the ball to Bea. Bea was having a hard time passing the ball so I moved in and she passed the ball to me. Finally I saw an opening towards Giannn who was at the center. Using quick and reflexive moves I passed the ball to Giann and he shot the ball. We won the game.

     Even though we won the game right, the most important thing was that it was fun and we had a great adventure at the same time. We cherished the moments that we had while we walked out of the court and went our separate ways.


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