Fun Run Experience

     Fun runs are quite pleasant. While providing health benefits they also teach us about sportsmanship and endurance in both mind and body, especially with comrades to enjoy it with. Organizing a program is no easy task and no small feat either. It takes dedication and hard work to organize a program and it takes a great amount of time to do so. But seeing the happy faces of the people who enjoy the program is heartwarming and makes you remember that you worked hard for the benefit of other people. With I’m in college now, it’s a whole new adventure, new friends, new lessons and new experiences to make and I have a hundred ideas running in my head right now. Now for almost three months in college, I have gained happy memories and pressure moments but what struck me most was what happened on August 24, 2013.

     That day was the 2nd University Fun Run and all students were required to join specially the NSTP students. I woke up early to support the program even though I was still sleepy and tired. Before the run started we all executed first the warm-up exercise then at 6am it officially started. As usual after hearing the word “GO” most of the students started running but I didn’t because it would have wasted my energy. Imagine running all the way to CSM from CHSS. It sounds very exhausting so I just jog then walk and jog again. After finishing the 3k ran it felt so satisfying even we are all so sweaty and tired and also it makes me proud seeing most of the winners are from my course. This marks the end of the Fun Run but not of my story yet. I remember during my high school I was always the one who organized school programs since I was the President of the Student Council so I know how  hard it was to lead people and make them follow your orders and I know how it felt when they are not supporting your program, means few participants but happily that day there were many participating in the event maybe because they will be disqualified during the cheer dance contest for taking the workshop for granted since the event was made for them to perform the right execution of the stunts during the contest. In the middle of the event after becoming the emcee I become an assistant in the registration section because I got bored then later become an assistant in the refreshment section but actually I was the one availing the refreshments.  The program lasted for four hours and thirty minutes but that wasn’t the end yet it was restoration right after, arranging and putting all the things back to its places which are the tiring part because everyone wanted to go home especially me.

     It seem a ordinary event to other people but what make it special to me is that it was the first program we organized in college and it was successful. I hope I could get another chance organizing an event because after the stress of organizing the feeling of success is there and happiness of doing great. It was worth my time and experience. 


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