Fun with Friends

  by Vince Millora, Francis Quezon, Yan-yan Sabuero and Paula Yap

  Why does time run fast even though we are just sitting and idly talking with friends? It must be because hanging out with friends even though we are not doing exciting things is still a lot of fun. When we have fun, we can’t keep track of the time and forget about our worries. I have experienced this lot of times before but I would like to share the recent adventure I had with my friends.

     Just this last weekend, a “Fun Run” event was held here in UP Mindanao. Joining the event was a good idea because it helped me to become a more physically fit person; also, it was a requirement so there was no other choice but to really join the event. Early that morning, it was really hard for me to get up because I was so sleepy. My body was not listening to me to get up, I was just there and going back to sleep. But finally, just fifteen minutes lying before the event started, I got up. I then quickly prepared, and went to the venue. After I arrived, I quickly looked for my classmates and the attendance sheet. It was a big surprise when I found out that for every five minutes you were late, you would have to do a community service for one hour and I was ten minutes late. It ruined my mood because I was so tired of doing any work that day. But life must go on and I should continue my adventure. I also changed my mind-set to think positive so that I could still have fun on that day. After the attendance and some stretching, the actual “Fun Run” finally started but for me it was kind of a “Fun Walk and Run”. In a few moments, I finished the event and was so glad that I could finally take a rest again.

     Our next adventure was not really exciting because we just prepared the venue for a gymnastic session but still we had a lot of fun. First, we placed the mats in the middle of the atrium so that students would have a soft floor for their gymnastic activities. Next, we prepared the tables for the Registration Area, First-aid Area, and for the Water booth. Preparing and lifting the tables into place was really hard work but it was a lot of fun. We had hard laughs at the expense of our classmates who were lifting the table because they looked like they were really exerting a lot of effort. It was a very hard moment for me because I literally could not stop laughing, my cheeks and my stomach were already hurting but I still kept on laughing. We even paused for a moment because some of us could not exert force anymore because of laughing so much. But after some time, we recovered and continued our work. Finally, we finished preparing the venue and went to our respective positions and facilitated the event.

     During the gymnastics activity, I saw some of my block mates getting ready for the warm-up exercises. After warming-up the instructor taught them, but as the session progressed, the number of participants who could properly execute the stunt decreased due to the rising difficulty level. Nevertheless, I stood in awe watching how the instructor gracefully executed the stunts with ease. Soon after, the instructor ordered the participants to create their own two-minute routine that incorporates the skill taught during the activity. Everyone did great creating routines but some flaws could be observed due to the fact that they were given only thirty minutes to create the routine and master it.

     Our last adventure, of course, was going home. Every adventure ends with going home. If it’s not, then your adventure is still not finished. It may sound boring that our adventure was already coming to an end but for us, it was a very good thing because we could finally take a rest after all the physical works that we did. My group mates and I parted ways on our way home. I rode a “princess” and went back to my boarding house as the rest of my group mates went back to the E.B.L dorm. When I reached my boarding house, only then did I realize a good bath would make me feel refreshed. With all the adventure that I had, my body was yearning for a refreshing bath to soothe all the weariness. And after the bath, I finally laid myself down to bed, knowing for sure that slumber is not so far away. While I was lying in bed waiting for sleep to overcome me, I realized that joining not so interesting activities with friends could turn out to be a lot of fun. Not long after, Sandman came and took me to dreamland. Sleep with an undisturbed dream was just the remedy for my tired self and a great way to end the day with a new adventure.


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